Week 3 of the SuperMom-Baby Programme has a theme of ‘Super Baby & Beyond’ which lays emphasis on creating a supreme, virtuous baby and the journey thereafter.

  • Value Based Storytelling

This activity comprises of listening to value based stories and answering few questions based on given prompts. Stories are shared daily on SuperMom-Baby whatsapp group and also on Divine Garbhsanskar Youtube Channel.

  • Bond With Baby

Creating a strong relationship with your unborn baby is one of the primary goals of the SuperMom-Baby Programme. Through creative prompts, this activity involves initiating a conversation with baby through the prompts.

  • Exercise

Exercise is one of the most important pillars of the Divine Garbhsanskar Programme. It is also important to ensure normal delivery. Live sessions on exercise by trained yoga practitioners are also available on Divine Garbhsanksar Youtube Channel.

  • Divine Labour

This activity involves hypnobirthing visualization techniques which when practised frequently would ensure normal delivery. The process of labour becomes a divine miracle moment rather than a process to be scared of.

  • Karma Yoga

More than the karma, the consciousness in which the karma is carried out is important. This activity provides guidelines as to how to become soul-conscious instead of role-conscious while doing basic activities like cooking, working, sleeping, walking, etc.

  • Appreciation Letter to Self

The journey of motherhood has its ups and downs. While one is on this journey of motherhood, it becomes imperative to acknowledge and appreciate their own self for the changes they are embracing in their body and emotionally as well. This activity includes writing an appreciation letter to self with the help of the prompts mentioned.

  • Progress Chart

A monthly progress chart to track daily progress and improvement in state of mind through the SuperMom-Baby journey.